Figure Out 10 Licorice Tea Benefits & Main Side Effects

As an avid tea drinker and blogger, I’m excited to delve into the numerous benefits of Licorice tea with you today.

From warming you up on a cold day to potentially aiding digestion, Licorice tea is a versatile brew that might surprise you.

What is licorice root tea?

Licorice root, or Glycyrrhiza glabra, is a unique plant native to Europe and Asia, prized for its sweet flavor and health benefits. When brewed into a tea, it offers a distinct taste reminiscent of Anise and Peppermint.

Licorice tea
Licorice tea

This Chinese plant, found in both Glycyrrhizin and Deglycyrrhizinated forms, is renowned for its health benefits, such as soothing sore throats and potentially lowering the risk of heart disease. However, moderation is crucial. In the following, we’ll explore the advantages and cautions of this tea ingredient.

Benefits of licorice tea

Exploring the benefits of Licorice tea can be quite a revelation. More than just a flavorful brew, Licorice tea benefits range from soothing digestive discomfort to offering a potent Boost for your Immune System. 

Benefits of Licorice root tea

Its unique component, Licorice root, brings many health advantages, similar to the refreshing and versatile Ginger.

Let’s delve deeper into how this remarkable tea can positively impact your well-being.

Health Benefit Description
Digestive Support Eases digestion, reduces gas, fights H. pylori bacteria.
Liver and Kidney Support Protects organs, clears toxins, may aid liver health.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
Oral Health Combats harmful mouth bacteria, potential cavity prevention.
Cold Prevention Antiviral and antimicrobial properties for cold relief.
Immune System Boost Strengthens the immune system against illnesses.
Menopause Relief Reduces hot flushes, a possible alternative to HRT.
Stomach Soothing Alleviates nausea and upset stomach.
Healthy Skin Supports skin health with anti-inflammatory properties.
Sore Throat Relief Soothes sore throats and upper respiratory issues.

Support with Digestion

Licorice root for tea is a known Digestive Aid, soothing your Stomach and Aiding in good Digestive health. It offers natural Antispasmodic effects, easing symptoms like gas and bloating.

A study in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine shows that licorice extract effectively alleviates heartburn and indigestion. Additionally, research in the Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases indicates that using licorice root extract regularly can help fight H. pylori bacteria, which can cause peptic ulcers, safeguarding your digestive system from harmful pathogens.

Support Your Liver and Kidneys

Choosing Licorice tea is good for you, particularly for supporting the health of your Liver and Kidneys. These vital organs help to clear toxins from your body, and Licorice tea, full of Antioxidants, Aids in this process by preventing Inflammation.

Licorice even assists in protecting the liver from Alcohol damage. The key component, Glycyrrhizin, has demonstrated Antimicrobial Activity against Hepatitis C, a virus that can cause long-term lLiver damage, signifying the potential of Licorice tea as a future treatment for this virus.

It Comes With Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Licorice tea benefits are many, one of which includes its significant Anti-Inflammatory properties. Licorice root naturally harmonizes strong flavors like Ginger and turmeric in tea blends while offering a subtle sweetness.

Licorice tea benefits

Research indicates that the Licorice root, like all parts of the dandelion plant, contains Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant compounds. Although no direct link between drinking Licorice root tea and reducing Inflammation-Related Diseases has been proven, it’s plausible that these compounds promote overall health by reducing Inflammation.

Licorice root benefits tea

Benefits of licorice root tea to Protect Your Teeth

“Good for your Teeth” is an unexpected advantage of Licorice tea. The antibacterial properties of Licorice not only combat the microbes Causing Colds and Coughs but also diminish the number of harmful bacteria in your mouth. This process Aids in protecting your teeth from plaque buildup and potential Cavities.

teas with Licorice root

Preliminary research suggests that Licorice root extract, specifically the compounds licoricidin and glabridin, might help prevent cavities. We need more comprehensive studies to confirm these findings, but the initial results with preschoolers using licorice extract-infused lollipops are promising.

Alongside cinnamon and marshmallow root, licorice might become your favorite tooth-friendly tea with licorice ingredients.

Wards Off Colds

Licorice root-infused teas are popular for fighting colds. This Chinese herbal remedy has strong antiviral and antimicrobial properties, soothing cold symptoms and preventing further illness.

Licorice root tea benefits

Licorice root tea is a go-to choice when dealing with a sore throat or a cough, thanks to its compounds that coat and soothe the throat. Its antibacterial properties may even help the immune system knock out the bacteria that caused the infection in the first place.

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Improve Your Immune System

The licorice root tea benefits extend to a bolstered immune system, courtesy of its antiviral and antimicrobial properties, similar to how it helps ward off colds.

Although it won’t stop serious illnesses, licorice root can boost your immune system, especially in cold and flu season. It contains natural antiviral and antibacterial compounds like glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid, helping your immune system combat illnesses and infections. That’s why licorice root tea is a popular choice for wellness support.

Decrease the Symptoms of Menopause

One of the key licorice root benefits tea offers is its potential to reduce the symptoms of menopause. The discomfort of hot flushes, often caused by fluctuating hormones during menopause, can be quite a hurdle.

Licorice tea may provide some relief. It has been suggested that licorice can help lessen the duration and intensity of hot flushes, possibly matching the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Handle the Upset Stomachs

The question, “Is Licorice tea good for you?” often arises, and soothing upset stomachs can be counted as one affirmative response. If nausea or a queasy stomach is troubling you, a cup of licorice root tea might be the solution.

Research suggests that licorice root can alleviate nausea symptoms and settle your stomach. It’s frequently combined with other nausea-combatting herbs like ginger and peppermint in tea blends, delivering a powerful, organic remedy for digestive discomfort.

Give You Glowing Skin

Licorice is highly prized in natural skincare for its potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities, particularly in products designed for Eczema and Acne. Consuming Licorice tea can promote healthier skin due to its 300+ compounds with potential anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral benefits.

Licorice root benefits tea

Enhance Sore Throats

Licorice root’s healing properties are also beneficial when dealing with sore throats. Its Antiviral and Antimicrobial properties make teas with Licorice root popular for soothing scratchy or sensitive throats.

Research supports this, suggesting that Licorice preparations can positively affect sore throats and other upper respiratory disorders, thus making this tea blend a soothing companion for such discomforts.

What Are The Licorice Tea side effects

What are the common Licorice root tea side effects? Here is a detailed guide for you to consider.

Safety of Short-term Licorice Root Use with Necessary Precautions

Licorice root tea is generally recognized as safe for use in foods by the FDA. However, while widely considered safe, short-term licorice root supplements and teas usage might produce adverse effects when consumed in large doses. More importantly, individuals with Certain health conditions should consider avoiding them.

Understanding the Dangers of Licorice Root Overdose

Prolonged and excessive consumption of licorice root products can result in the buildup of glycyrrhizin in your system. Elevated glycyrrhizin levels are associated with increased cortisol, a stress hormone, which can disrupt fluid and electrolyte balance.

This could result in low potassium levels, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, and abnormal heart rhythms. In severe cases, licorice poisoning can lead to kidney failure, congestive heart failure, or excess fluid accumulation in the lungs.

Health Conditions that Prohibit Licorice Root Use

Individuals with high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, kidney disease, or low potassium levels should avoid glycyrrhizin-containing licorice products due to the potential for exacerbating these conditions.

Taking Precautions with Licorice Root Tea during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

During pregnancy, consuming high amounts of licorice, particularly glycyrrhizin, might negatively impact your baby’s brain development. 

Research indicates that excessive licorice consumption during pregnancy may lead to future brain issues in children. Therefore, pregnant women should reduce licorice intake, and nursing mothers and children should avoid it due to limited research.

Possible Interactions with Other Medications

Licorice root can interact with several medications, including blood pressure, blood thinners, cholesterol-lowering medications, statins, diuretics, estrogen-based contraceptives, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). 

benefits of Licorice tea

Therefore, people taking these medications should avoid licorice root products unless otherwise advised by their healthcare provider.

The Hazards of Excessive and Prolonged Licorice Root Consumption

Chronic use and large doses of licorice root can lead to severe fluid and electrolyte imbalances. In severe cases, overconsumption of glycyrrhizin can result in hypertension, arrhythmia, and potentially cardiac arrest.

Balancing Potassium Levels and Avoiding Overdose Concerns

Excessive licorice consumption can lower potassium levels, causing irregular heart rhythms, hypertension, swelling, fatigue, and heart failure. Poor product labeling adds to the overdose risk, particularly for children indulging in extensive licorice candy consumption.

Considerations Regarding Licorice Root Use during Pregnancy

Pregnant individuals should avoid consuming large quantities of licorice or taking licorice root as a supplement. Heavy consumption of licorice during pregnancy can increase the risk of premature birth and affect fetal development.

How to Make Licorice Root Tea

how to make Licorice root tea


  • 1 teaspoon of dried licorice root or 1 licorice root tea bag
  • 1 cup of water

Optional: honey or lemon to taste.

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Start by bringing the cup of water to a boil in a small pot or a kettle.
  2. Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat to low.
  3. If you’re using dried licorice root, add it to the pot. If you’re using a licorice root tea bag, place it in your favorite tea cup.
  4. Pour the hot water over the dried licorice root in the pot or the tea bag in the cup.
  5. Cover the pot or cup and steep it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. If you’ve used dried licorice root, strain the tea into a cup. If you’ve used a tea bag, remove it from the cup.
  7. Add honey or lemon to taste, stir well and enjoy your homemade licorice root tea.


When I make licorice root tea, I usually prefer using dried licorice root over tea bags as it often provides a richer, more authentic flavor. However, tea bags are more convenient, especially in a hurry or on the go.

Another tip is that steeping time can greatly affect the taste of your tea. If you like a stronger flavor, let it steep for the full 15 minutes, but if you prefer a milder taste, you should check the flavor around the 10-minute mark.

Also, while licorice root tea has its unique sweet flavor, adding a little honey or a squeeze of lemon can enhance the taste even more.

Try the tea plain first and then adjust the flavor to your liking.

The Bottom Line

In terms of safety, licorice root tea should be consumed moderately. Typically, 1-2 cups per day are acceptable for most adults. However, excessive intake (over 3 cups daily for weeks) could lead to health risks due to glycyrrhizin accumulation. Individuals with specific health conditions and pregnant or breastfeeding women should exercise caution.

The price of licorice root tea varies depending on brand and quality. Stash, for example, offers an affordable yet high-quality selection. Drinking Licorice tea responsibly is crucial to enjoy its health benefits, and always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new herbal tea regimen.

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What does Licorice root taste like?

Licorice root has a naturally sweet, slightly bitter taste with a hint of anise or fennel. Some may compare it to a subtle mix of orange and peppermint. It’s unique and can add depth to various tea blends.

What does licorice root taste like

Can you drink licorice root tea during pregnancy?

Caution is advised for pregnant women. Although there are many licorice spice tea benefits, excessive consumption could affect fetal development. Always consult a healthcare professional before using licorice root in tea during pregnancy.

Is it okay to drink licorice tea before bed?

Yes, licorice tea can be consumed before bed. It doesn’t contain caffeine and has soothing properties that could aid relaxation. However, ensure you’re within the recommended daily intake, especially if you drink other licorice-containing products throughout the day.

What are some recommended brands for Licorice tea?

Many brands offer licorice root tea, including DGL, Hemani, and Egyptian Red. Choosing depends on personal preference and any added ingredients you might enjoy, like peppermint or other herbal infusions.

Is it OK to drink Licorice tea every day?

Drinking Licorice tea daily is generally safe for most people in moderate amounts. However, prolonged consumption of high licorice can lead to side effects. Always follow the recommended dosage on the packaging or consult a healthcare provider.

Who shouldn’t drink Licorice tea?

People with high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, and low potassium levels should avoid Licorice tea. Additionally, pregnant and breastfeeding women and children are advised to limit their consumption due to the potential side effects of excessive licorice.

Is Licorice tea bad for kidneys?

Overconsumption of Licorice tea can increase cortisol levels, potentially causing imbalances in fluid and electrolyte levels, which may stress the kidneys. If you have existing kidney issues, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider before adding Licorice tea to your diet.

How much licorice root is safe?

As a general rule, up to 5 grams of licorice root per day appears safe for most adults. It’s crucial to remember this limit includes total licorice consumption from all sources, not just tea. Always follow packaging instructions or seek professional advice for precise dosing.

Pictures of Licorice Tea

Tea with Licorice
Tea with Licorice
Licorice tea side effects
Licorice tea side effects
Licorice root tea
Licorice root tea
Licorice root for tea
Licorice root for tea