What are the key Red Clover Tea Benefits? Ultimate guide & tips to follow

Did you know that searches for “Red Clover tea benefits” have skyrocketed by almost 70% over the past decade?

Red Clover tea is made from the dried blossoms of the clover plant and has been cherished for centuries for its potential health perks.

From soothing menopause symptoms to boosting heart health, this humble tea is making waves amongst wellness enthusiasts.

Types of Clover
Types of Clover

Let’s unravel the mysteries of red clover tea, understand its benefits and learn how to brew a comforting cup.

What is red clover tea?

Red clover tea is a soothing herbal drink made from the dried flowers of the clover plant, scientifically known as Trifolium pratense. With its charming purple blossoms, this plant is more than just a pretty sight; it’s packed with nutrients and has been a part of traditional medicine for ages. The delicate flowers, often called clover blossoms, are harvested and dried to make this tea.

Red Clover tea
Red Clover tea

What Are The Benefits of Red Clover Tea

Red Clover, one of the medicinal plants, is often included in holistic health regimens.

what is Red Clover tea good for

Red clover tea provides clover extract, which contains a treasure trove of nutrients and active compounds. Some of the most significant red clover tea benefits include supporting women’s health, especially during menopause, promoting heart health, and offering a potential ally in weight loss efforts.

The presence of isoflavones in red clover extract is particularly noteworthy, as these compounds are believed to play a vital role in many of the health benefits of this tea.

In the following sections, we will dissect these benefits in detail to understand the power of a cup of red clover tea.

Health Benefits Brief Summary
Menopause Relief
Red clover tea may alleviate menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings due to its isoflavones, which mimic estrogen. Some studies show a reduction in hot flashes. It may also have mild benefits for mental health.
Heart Health
The antioxidants in red clover can improve heart health by lowering cholesterol, reducing inflammation, and managing blood pressure. It might benefit postmenopausal women at risk of atherosclerosis. More research is needed.
Weight Loss
Red clover tea may aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism, aiding digestion, and stabilizing blood sugar levels. It could also increase energy levels and contribute to better cardiovascular health.
Kidney Health
While not directly proven, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of red clover may indirectly support kidney health. More research is needed to confirm this effect.
Skin Health and Acne
Red clover tea’s nutrients, anti-inflammatory properties, and collagen-boosting abilities may improve skin quality, help with acne, and protect against aging and UV radiation.
Cancer Risk Reduction
Red clover tea’s isoflavones may reduce the risk of hormone-related cancers like prostate and breast cancer by inducing cancer cell self-destruction. More research is needed to establish its role in breast health.
Respiratory Infections
Red clover tea’s antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties may relieve respiratory infections, such as asthma and bronchitis, by reducing inflammation and mucus production.
Potential Side Effects
Red clover tea may cause hormonal imbalances, mild side effects (nausea, headaches, etc.), and interact with certain medications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and individuals with bleeding disorders should use caution.

Red Clover Tea for Menopause

Red Clover tea is highly esteemed for alleviating menopausal symptoms, primarily due to its rich concentration of isoflavones, plant-based compounds akin to estrogen. This menopause relief is attributed to the tea’s estrogenic properties, which help regulate hormonal balance and menstrual cycle.

Benefit of Red Clover tea with Menopause
Benefit of red clover tea with Menopause

Menopause, which marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles and egg production, often brings a slew of discomforts like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and hormonal imbalances. The isoflavones in red clover have been shown to mitigate these symptoms by reducing the frequency and severity of hot flashes and contributing to an enhanced quality of life during this phase.

Moreover, red clover is often included in organic herbal supplements and other ingredients such as black currant seed oil and lavender tea extract.

One study observed a striking 73% decline in hot flashes among women who took a supplement containing red clover and other herbs over three months. While this significant reduction may not be solely attributed to red clover, its contribution cannot be disregarded.

Moreover, there are slight hints that combining red clover herb with other herbs may benefit mental health in menopausal women, particularly in managing anxiety and depression. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to emphasize that further in-depth research is needed to fully grasp and validate these effects.

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Clover can improve the Heart Health

The potent antioxidants in red clover, including flavonoids, are linked to bolstering heart health by improving cholesterol levels, curbing inflammation in the arteries, and managing blood pressure. These phytonutrients, found in the clover leaves, are beneficial for the cardiovascular system, helping in blood circulation and regulation of blood clotting.

Benefits of Red Clover tea with heart health

Postmenopausal women with lower estrogen levels, who are more prone to osteoporosis, may find red clover tea beneficial. Research indicates that red clover can lower their risk of atherosclerosis.

For instance, one study involving the consumption of 3 cups of red clover tea daily for 12 weeks showed an 11% reduction in total cholesterol and a 20% decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Another 2015 study involving 147 postmenopausal women indicated a 12% drop in LDL cholesterol after taking 50 mg of red clover daily for a year. 

However, it’s crucial to approach these findings with caution. A review in 2020 found that red clover did not consistently reduce LDL cholesterol or increase HDL cholesterol. Critics argue that many studies were small and needed proper methodologies, calling for more rigorous research. Additionally, the studies focused primarily on older, postmenopausal women, leaving a gap in understanding the effects on a broader population.

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Red Clover Tea Benefits Weight Loss

Red clover tea is known to aid in weight loss, largely attributed to its polyphenol content which is believed to boost metabolism and facilitate fat burning. In addition to being a health drink, red clover tea also acts as a natural detox agent, contributing to blood purification.

In a study, individuals who consumed red clover tea twice daily over six weeks experienced a reduction in body fat compared to those who didn’t. Beyond fat loss, the tea stimulates digestion, further assisting in efficient fat breakdown.

Additionally, red clover tea, which can be categorized as an organic herbal tea, tends to elevate energy levels. This could make engaging in physical activities and exercise more appealing, contributing to a healthier lifestyle.

Another positive impact of red clover tea on weight management is its potential role in regulating blood sugar levels. By stabilizing blood sugar, the tea may help control appetite and curb cravings for unhealthy foods, often leading to weight gain.

It’s also worth mentioning that the antioxidants in red clover not only contribute to weight loss but also play a role in reducing cholesterol levels. This synergistic effect of fat reduction and improved cholesterol levels can enhance cardiovascular health.

Is Red Clover Tea Good for Kidneys

While no direct scientific evidence indicates that red clover tea enhances kidney health, its high antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties might indirectly contribute to better kidney function.

Our kidneys play a crucial role in our bodies, filtering waste and toxins, balancing electrolytes, regulating blood pressure, and more. Red clover tea’s anti-inflammatory characteristics help decrease kidney inflammation, improving functionality.

Additionally, the antioxidants in red clover tea could guard the kidneys against oxidative damage caused by free radicals, adding another layer of protection. Regular consumption of this medicinal tea could support overall kidney health.

However, these potential benefits are primarily based on the general properties of red clover rather than on specific studies involving kidney health. 

Benefits red clover tea for Acne and Skin Health

Red clover tea can benefit acne and overall skin health due to its rich content of nutrients, including proteins and vitamin C, and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also known to boost collagen production, is vital for skin elasticity, and can be used with clover honey for enhanced benefits.

Benefits Red Clover tea for Skin Health
Benefits Red Clover tea for Skin Health

In a study involving 109 postmenopausal women, participants who consumed 80 mg of red clover extract daily for 90 days reported significant improvements in the texture, appearance, and overall quality of their hair and skin.

Acne, a common skin problem affecting millions worldwide, usually results from overactive sebaceous glands, hormonal imbalances, and bacteria. Red clover is rich in nutrients that boost the immune system by increasing white blood cell production, making it effective in addressing skin inflammation, including acne.

Furthermore, red clover tea is particularly advantageous in protecting the skin against aging and the harmful effects of UV radiation from the sun. 

The herb’s antioxidants combat free radicals in the body and reduce inflammation, which can be exacerbated by factors such as reduced estrogen levels with age or stress. Additionally, red clover is known to boost collagen production, which is vital for maintaining skin elasticity and youthfulness.

The benefit of Red Clover tea for Cancers reduce

Red clover tea, rich in isoflavones from the Trifolium pratense plant, is suggested to lower the risk of hormone-related cancers by inducing apoptosis. Its use in botanicals and medicinal plants has been noted for cancer prevention.

The benefit of Red Clover tea for Cancers reduce

These isoflavones have been observed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, especially in hormone-related cancers such as prostate and breast cancer, by inducing apoptosis – a self-destruction process in cancer cells.

However, the interplay between red clover’s isoflavones, estrogen levels, and cancer is intricate and still under investigation. While some studies suggest a protective role, the implications regarding breast health are not definitively established.

May Aid with Respiratory Infections

Red clover tea, loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, may relieve respiratory infections, particularly asthma and bronchitis. These conditions, which involve inflammation and constriction of the airways, can cause distressing symptoms like difficulty breathing. The immune support offered by red clover tea helps in respiratory health.

The antioxidants in red clover tea help combat oxidative stress, often implicated in respiratory infections. Additionally, certain compounds in red clover have been observed to reduce mucus production, alleviating congestion and facilitating easier breathing for individuals struggling with asthma or bronchitis.

What Are The Side Effects of Red Clover Tea

May Cause Hormonal Imbalances

Red clover tea, known for its phytoestrogen content, may cause hormonal imbalances in individuals with hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or endometriosis. The isoflavones in red clover mimic estrogen and can affect hormone levels.

While some studies indicate that red clover might be safe even for those with a family history of breast cancer, it is crucial to consult a healthcare provider before consuming red clover tea, especially if you have or are at risk for hormone-sensitive conditions.

Potential for Mild Red Clover Tea Side Effects

While generally safe, red clover tea may lead to mild side effects in certain people, including nausea, headaches, vaginal spotting, or skin irritation. These effects are likely due to the bioactive compounds in red clover, which can affect hormonal and immune functions.

Consuming red clover tea in moderation and paying attention to your body’s reactions can help avoid or mitigate these effects.

Risk of Certain Medications

Red clover tea may interact negatively with specific medications, particularly oral contraceptives, methotrexate, hormone replacement therapy medications, and blood thinners like aspirin. This is due to the compounds in red clover affecting liver enzymes responsible for drug metabolism or mimicking the effects of estrogen.

Consulting a healthcare provider before incorporating red clover tea into your regimen is important, especially if you take medications.

Not suitable for pregnant women

There is a lack of safety data regarding the consumption of red clover tea among pregnant or breastfeeding women. 

Due to the phytoestrogens in red clover, which can mimic estrogen, there is a theoretical concern regarding its impact on hormonal balances during pregnancy or lactation. It’s prudent for pregnant or breastfeeding women to avoid red clover tea or consult a healthcare provider before consumption.

It can slow blood clotting

Red clover tea can slow down blood clotting due to its anticoagulant properties. This makes it potentially risky for individuals with bleeding disorders or those on blood-thinning medications.

Furthermore, when red clover tea is paired with herbs such as ginkgo, ginger, garlic, or supplements like vitamin E, which possess blood-thinning properties, it can intensify its anticoagulant impact. People with bleeding disorders or those preparing for surgery should be careful and seek advice from a healthcare expert before drinking red clover tea.

How to Make Red Clover Tea

Red clover tea is a delightful and healthful beverage you can easily prepare at home. The tea can be made using fresh red clover blossoms or dried blossoms available as loose tea or tea bags.

How to make Red Clover tea

Here’s a simple recipe:


  • Fresh or dried red clover blossoms (1-2 tablespoons of dried blossoms or a handful of fresh blossoms)
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • Optional: honey, lemon, or mint for flavor


  1. Harvest or Purchase Red Clover: If you’re using fresh red clover, the ideal time to harvest the blossoms is in late spring when they are in full bloom. If you’re using dried red clover blossoms, you can purchase them from a health store or online.
  2. Prepare the Blossoms: If you’re using fresh blossoms, rinse them gently under cool water to remove any dirt or insects. If using dried blossoms, measure out 1-2 tablespoons.
  3. Boil Water: Bring a cup of water to a rolling boil in a kettle or saucepan.
  4. Steep the Tea: Place the red clover blossoms in a teapot or cup and pour the boiling water over them. Cover and let the tea steep for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Strain and Serve: Strain the tea to remove the blossoms. If you use tea bags, simply remove the bag.
  6. Flavor to Taste: If desired, add honey, lemon, or mint to enhance the flavor.
  7. Enjoy: Sip and savor your freshly brewed cup of red clover tea.

Personal Experience

I remember the first time I made red clover tea. It was during a late spring afternoon a couple of years ago at my grandmother’s cottage in the countryside. The garden was awash with the vibrant purple of red clover blossoms. Inspired, I decided to harvest some fresh blossoms and try making tea. The natural sweetness and subtle earthiness of the tea were delightful. 

I enjoyed it with a dash of honey and a sprig of mint from the garden, sitting on the porch taking in the beautiful scenery. It was not just a cup of tea but an experience that connected me to nature and the traditions passed down through generations.


So, what is red clover tea good for? Red clover tea, often consumed as loose-leaf tea or in tea bags, can be an integral part of a health drink regimen, offering multiple benefits, including menopause relief, heart health, weight loss, and potentially reducing the risk of certain cancers. However, it is important to consume it responsibly and consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Thanks from spiriteadrinks.com


Can you drink red clover tea every day?

Yes, drinking red clover tea daily in moderation is generally safe. However, as with any herbal supplement, paying attention to your body’s response is important.

Who should not drink red clover tea?

Individuals with hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer or endometriosis and those on blood-thinning medications should avoid drinking red clover tea. Additionally, pregnant and breastfeeding women and children should refrain from consuming this tea due to insufficient safety data.

When should you not take red clover?

You should not take red clover if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a hormone-sensitive condition or are scheduled for surgery due to its blood-thinning properties. Additionally, it’s wise to avoid red clover if you take medications that might interact with it, such as blood thinners or hormone therapies.

Does red clover make you sleepy?

Red clover tea does not typically make you sleepy, but its mild sedative effect can promote relaxation. Some may find that drinking red clover tea helps reduce anxiety and promotes a sense of calm, indirectly aiding in better sleep.

Where can I buy Red Clover Tea in South Africa?

Dischem, a leading pharmacy chain in South Africa, is an excellent place to purchase red clover tea. In addition to Dischem, various health stores and online retailers offer this herbal tea. Choosing a reputable brand is essential to ensure quality and authenticity when buying red clover tea.

Is Alvita a good brand for Red Clover Tea?

Yes, Alvita is a reputable brand known for its high-quality herbal teas, including red clover tea. Alvita has been in the industry for many years, and many consumers trust its products for their purity and potency.

Can Red Clover Tea be Found in Pakistan?

Red Clover Tea can be found in Pakistan at various health stores and pharmacies. It is also available on several online platforms that deliver across the country. Like any product, choose a reliable source or brand when buying red clover tea in Pakistan.

Is there a chocolate-flavored Red Clover Tea?

While traditional red clover tea has a mild, sweet, and grassy flavor, some brands offer chocolate blends for a unique taste. Combining red clover with chocolate can make the tea palatable for those who prefer a sweeter, richer flavor.

Can Red Clover Tea be used in the form of oil?

Yes, red clover is also available in the form of oil, which is often used for topical applications. Red clover oil can benefit skin health and is sometimes used in massage or skincare products.