What is Chamomile Tea? Everything You need to know

You’re in the right place if you’re wondering what is Chamomile tea. Looking to switch up your tea routine and try something new? One option you should consider is Chamomile tea. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of this popular herbal tea, including its benefits, uses, and potential drawbacks. 

But hang on! Are you curious about the soothing properties of Chamomile Tea? Or you’re interested in expanding your tea horizons. Whatever your reason for being here, we’ve got you covered. So, grab a cup of your favorite tea (or a glass of water, if you prefer), and let’s dive in!

Quotes of tea with You

Great love affairs start with champagne and end with tea. – Honore de Balzac

What is Chamomile?

Chamomile, a member of the Asteraceae family, is a flowering herb used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Its name comes from the Greek word chamaimēlon, meaning “ground apple.” The Ancient Egyptians were known to drink chamomile plants, and the Romans used it as a beverage and incense.


It has been used for many years as a natural treatment for various health issues. The tea has been consumed for centuries and is known for its soothing properties. It is often a natural remedy to promote relaxation and reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

What is Chamomile Tea?

Chamomile tea is a type of herbal tea made from the flowers of the chamomile plant. Unlike traditional tea made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, Chamomile Tea only uses flower heads. The chamomile plant has fragrant leaves; its flowers have white petals with yellow centers.

Chamomile Tea
Chamomile Tea

In addition to its calming effects, camomile tea is also believed to have several health benefits. 

It contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and other beneficial plant compounds that may help digestion, improve skin health, and even boost the immune system. However, more research is needed to fully understand fresh Chamomile Tea’s potential health benefits.

Chamomile tea type

Let me tell you about chamomile! Types of Chamomile Tea: Roman and German. The Roman variety has a sweet, fruity smell, while the German one is spicier and more robust. Roman chamomile grows in Europe, North Africa, and Asia, while German chamomile is mainly grown in Europe.

Chamomile is typically harvested for tea as the flowers open. The flowers and buds are dried after harvest to prolong their shelf life. Its most recognizable form is a yellow head with white petals that may turn pale after drying.

Even Peter Rabbit’s mother knew the benefits of Chamomile Tea! Beatrix Potter’s timeless story sees her little bunny settling down for the night with a soothing cup following his daring getaway from Mr. McGregor’s garden.

This charming detail highlights Chamomile Tea’s widespread use and popularity as a soothing bedtime beverage, perfect for helping you relax and get a good night’s sleep.

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How and where does chamomile grow?

Chamomile is a low-maintenance plant that adds beauty to any herb collection, whether in the ground or in containers. It can also enhance borders and wildflower plantings. Chamomile thrives in sunny areas with well-draining soil and can withstand various weather conditions.

Here’s a fun fact: Every year, 750,000 and one million pounds of chamomile are imported into the US, with a whopping 90% used for herbal tea. It’s no wonder that Chamomile Tea is such a popular beverage in the US, given its potential health benefits and soothing properties.

Chamomile tea is one of the most popular uses of this herb and is enjoyed for its soothing properties. However, chamomile can also be found in beverages like liquor infusions, beer additives, and wine. The floral flavor can be infused into syrups and used in various dishes, from desserts to soups.

Additionally, chamomile’s aroma and healing properties make it a popular ingredient in topical lotions, oils, soaps, shampoos, and cosmetics.

Chamomile essential oil is used in aromatherapy applications, including diffusers and candles, but should never be ingested or applied directly to the skin.

Chamomile flowers are beautiful, with little white petals and yellow centers resembling mini daisies. The flowers grow on long, thin stems ranging from 6 to 24 inches in height.

When making Chamomile Tea, the flowers and buds of the plant are harvested and dried. The flowers are typically picked as they begin to open. 

In Egypt, they are often harvested by hand or with a chamomile rake every seven to ten days over several months. In Eastern Europe, on the other hand, harvesting machines are used to pick the flowers just two or three times during the growing season. Regardless of the method, the result is a delicious and soothing tea enjoyed for centuries.

Steeped in History camomile tea

Chamomile comes from the Greek word “chamomaela,” which means “ground apple,” thanks to its refreshing, apple-like scent. The Spanish have also long called chamomile “mantazilla,” or “little apple” for the same reason. With a rich history spanning different cultures and continents, chamomile has been used for its fragrance, relaxing properties, and flavor profile for centuries.

where does chamomile grow

The ancient Egyptians dedicated chamomile to their gods, believing it could cure fevers. The Spanish used chamomile as a flavoring agent in sherry. At the same time, the Romans drank it as a healing beverage and used it as incense.

In medieval England, chamomile flowers were used as a bittering agent in beer making until hops eventually replaced it. 

During the Middle Ages, monks also grew chamomile for use in traditional herbal remedies. They even observed that planting chamomile near other ailing plants helped their recovery. It was later discovered that the plant’s apple-like scent repels insects and other pests, which helps protect chamomile and the neighboring plants.

Make Chamomile tea

Did you know that chrysanthemum flowers contain several beneficial ingredients for our health? These include Flavones, Apigenin, Luteolin, Thymol, and Tricosane.

is chamomile a tea

Plus, research shows that chrysanthemum flowers can help inhibit bacteria that cause illnesses such as bacillus dysentery, typhoid, and beta-hemolytic streptococcus. They can even help with some types of ringworm!

Chamomile flowers, with their yellow heads, are the show’s star for this versatile plant. These flowers can be used fresh or dried for culinary and medicinal purposes. They can even be made into a floral extract or tincture.

The most common use for chamomile is as a tisane, which is a fancy way of saying herbal tea. Chamomile tea is enjoyed independently for its soothing qualities or blended with other herbs for added flavor.

But that’s not all! Chamomile is also used in other beverages, including liquor infusions, beer additives, and wine. In Spain, it’s commonly used to flavor Manzanilla sherry, while in Greece, it’s found in various dishes. The floral flavor can also be infused into syrups and used in desserts and savory dishes, such as soups.

Because of its pleasing aroma and potential health benefits, chamomile is also a popular ingredient in topical lotions, oils, soaps, shampoos, and cosmetics. 

Many of these products use chamomile essential oil, which should never be ingested or applied directly to the skin. 

The oil is also used in aromatherapy applications, such as diffusers and candles, to promote relaxation and well-being.

Natural remedies with chrysanthemum flowers

There are a few natural remedies that contain chrysanthemum flowers and offer different benefits:

  • You can try chamomile with some honey for a good night’s sleep.
  • You can use chrysanthemum combined with licorice to cool down your liver and improve your vision.
  • If you want to lose some weight and get glowing skin, try chrysanthemum paired with artichoke.

How to Drink Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is an excellent choice if you’re stressed or need to relax after a long day. It’s also a popular option for afternoon tea, thanks to its delicious floral flavor.

To make Chamomile tea, start with 1 to 4 tablespoons of fresh or dried flowers for each cup of water, depending on your taste. The water should be heated to around 200 degrees Fahrenheit or near boiling, and the herb should steep for 3 to 5 minutes. 

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions if you’re using a prepared Chamomile tea. Add a little honey or sweetener and a splash of lemon juice for an extra flavor boost.

How to Grow Chamomile — And Then Store the Herb

If you’re thinking about growing chamomile on your own, here are some simple steps that Salazar and the University of Wisconsin’s Horticulture Department suggest you follow:

  1. Grow the plant in a sunny spot.
  2. Pick the flowers when they are close to full bloom or the petals are flat around the center.
  3. Remove the flower heads with your fingers, leaving the stems behind.
  4. Let the flowers dry out entirely by spreading them on a warm, well-ventilated surface and away from direct sunlight. Alternatively, you can use a food dehydrator on the lowest heat setting for 12 to 24 hours.
  5. Store the dried flowers in a sealed, airtight container at room temperature and away from sunlight. They’ll stay fresh for up to a year.

How To Buy And Store camomile tea?

If you want to purchase whole, dried chamomile flowers, you can find them at natural food stores, tea shops, and online. You can buy a few ounces or even a pound of flowers at a time, but remember that since the petals are light, a one-gallon jar is all you need to fill it up.

The price is generally comparable to other dried herbs, both expensive and cheap. You can also find chamomile tea bags at most grocery stores.

Spread the flowers in a dry, excellent spot out of the sun to store fresh chamomile for up to a week. You can also use a food dehydrator or oven to dry the flowers. 

Once dry, store them in an airtight container away from direct sunlight, heat, and humidity. This will help preserve the flowers’ flavor for up to a year.

If you’re considering growing chamomile in your home herb garden, German chamomile is an excellent choice for making tea. It’s an annual plant that often self-seeds, while Roman chamomile is a perennial typically used as a ground cover. 

And here’s a gardening tip: chamomile can also help prevent seedlings from damping off, so it’s a valuable addition to any garden.

In conclusion

Chamomile tea is a delightful herbal tea with a long history of use for its relaxing and healing properties. With its pleasing aroma and gentle flavor, chamomile is a popular choice for anyone looking to unwind, reduce stress, or promote better sleep. If you found this article helpful, please share it with others interested in learning about chamomile tea. Spiriteadrinks – Thank you for reading!


What climate does chamomile grow best in?

Chamomile thrives best in a cool climate and prefers areas with light, well-draining soil and ample sunlight. This delicate herbaceous plant adapts well to cooler regions, making it a popular choice among gardeners and farmers in temperate zones.

Which country has the best chamomile tea?

Egypt is often heralded as the country with the finest chamomile tea. The fertile Nile Valley and Delta provide an ideal environment for chamomile, resulting in tea with a nuanced flavor profile and well-regarded therapeutic properties.

Can you eat chamomile leaves?

Yes, chamomile leaves are edible. They can be consumed fresh or dried and are often used in salads, soups, or garnish. However, the leaves taste stronger than the flowers, typically used in chamomile tea.

What’s the difference between chamomile tea and regular tea?

Chamomile tea and regular tea differ in their origin and health benefits. Regular tea, whether black, green, or oolong, comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, whereas chamomile tea is made from the flowers of the Matricaria chamomilla plant.