What is Spearmint Tea? Nutrition, Benefits, Side Effects & More

Savor the refreshing taste of Spearmint tea while reaping many health benefits.

Spearmint tea is more than just a soothing drink, from aiding digestion and combating stress to balancing hormones and promoting heart health.

So, what is Spearmint tea good for? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what spearmint tea is, its nutritional profile, its bountiful benefits, and potential side effects.

Whether you’re a tea lover or looking to enhance your health naturally, this article is your go-to resource for everything you need to know about Spearmint tea.

What is Spearmint Tea?

Spearmint tea is a herbal tea made by steeping dried or fresh spearmint leaves in hot water. With its origin tracing back to Europe and Asia, Spearmint, scientifically known as Mentha spicata, is a perennial plant now cultivated globally.

Spearmint tea
Spearmint tea

The tea is cherished for its refreshingly sweet taste, derived from its spear-shaped leaves. Often confused with Peppermint, Spearmint has a more subtle and delicate flavor and is a common ingredient in Toothpaste, Mouthwash, and Candies.

Nutrition Information

Spearmint tea for hormones is a rejuvenating elixir and a low-calorie, Caffeine-free beverage that fits well into any diet. With merely 2 Calories per cup, it contains no Fat, Cholesterol, or Sugars, making it a healthy option for morning and nighttime consumption.

Benefits of Spearmint tea

The nutrition profile of Spearmint tea is enriched with several minerals and nutrients, albeit in small quantities, due to the dehydration process of the leaves. Among the treasures it holds are:

  • Antioxidants: Protects cells from damage.
  • Vitamin C: Supports the immune system and skin health.
  • Flavones and Flavanones: Types of polyphenols known for anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Iron: Vital for the transport of oxygen in the blood.
  • Limonene: A compound that may have anti-cancer properties.
  • Dihydrocarvone: Has potential benefits in relieving digestive issues.
  • Cineol: It may act as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
  • Folate: Important for cell division and the production of DNA.

The enticing aroma of spearmint extract and the herbal infusion’s delicate flavor make it a delightful drink and a mild source of essential nutrients. While the concentrations are relatively low, the antioxidants in tea, especially the polyphenols, contribute to its numerous health benefits.

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Benefits of Spearmint Tea

Spearmint tea is more than just a comforting and aromatic beverage; it’s a treasure trove of health benefits.

Rich in antioxidants, this herbal tea is a wellness advocate, offering an array of advantages that cater to both your physical and mental well-being. From soothing an upset stomach and promoting relaxation to aiding in hormonal balance and supporting heart health, spearmint teas are an herbal infusion that deserves a place in your daily regimen.

Let’s dive deeper into the specific spearmint tea benefits.

Does spearmint help with nausea

Spearmint tea has been shown to relieve digestive symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloating. The natural compound (-)-carvone, found in spearmint, inhibits muscle contractions in the digestive tract, which can contribute to its calming effect on the stomach.

Health benefits of Spearmint tea

In one study, participants with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) experienced less abdominal pain and bloating after consuming a spearmint supplement.

Moreover, spearmint essential oil has significantly reduced nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients. Although research is still budding, spearmint’s soothing properties make it a refreshing drink and a potent digestive aid, particularly helpful in alleviating indigestion and bloating.

High in Antioxidants

Spearmint tea is a powerhouse of antioxidants essential in protecting the body against oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

benefits of Spearmint

Oxidative stress is the culprit behind chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Spearmint leaves contain antioxidant compounds, including rosmarinic acid, flavones, and flavanones like limonene and menthol.

In fact, two tablespoons of spearmint provide 2% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamin C, a potent antioxidant. Research has highlighted spearmint’s impressive antioxidant activity, with one study showing that spearmint extract effectively prevented fat oxidation.

Indulging in a cup of green tea with mint or a simple spearmint infusion can thus be a flavorful way to bolster your body’s defenses against harmful molecules and promote overall health.

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Spearmint tea for PCOS Imbalances

Spearmint tea may be a beneficial natural remedy for women grappling with hormone imbalances.

Spearmint tea for PCOS
Spearmint tea for PCOS

Research has demonstrated that spearmint tea can reduce levels of male hormones such as testosterone while increasing female hormones essential for ovulation, including luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and estradiol.

In one study, women who drank two cups of spearmint tea daily saw a significant decrease in testosterone and increased LH, FSH, and estradiol levels.

Another study involving women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) showed that those who consumed spearmint tea twice daily experienced improved hormonal profiles.

This makes spearmint tea a promising option for women, particularly those with PCOS, to naturally assist in balancing hormones, potentially easing related symptoms such as mood fluctuations, weight changes, and hair issues.

Spearmint tea facial hair in Women

Spearmint tea holds promise as a natural remedy for reducing facial hair in women, a condition known as hirsutism.

Characterized by the growth of dark, coarse hair on the face, chest, and abdomen, hirsutism is often linked to elevated levels of male hormones. Spearmint tea, popular in Middle Eastern countries for combating unwanted hair growth, has been studied for its potential effects on hirsutism.

In a five-day study involving 21 women, consuming two cups of spearmint tea daily resulted in decreased testosterone levels. Although the study duration was too short to observe changes in facial hair, the hormonal shift indicates a reduced likelihood of further hair growth.

In a longer, 30-day study involving 41 women with PCOS, those who drank two cups of spearmint tea daily reported reduced facial hair.

While the studies have been small and of short duration, the findings are encouraging for women seeking natural alternatives for managing hirsutism.

benefit of Spearmint tea with skin
Benefit of Spearmint tea with skin

Incorporating spearmint tea into a skincare routine could be beneficial in addressing excessive facial hair.

Health benefits of Spearmint tea for Memory

Is sipping on spearmint tea the key to a sharper mind? Preliminary research suggests spearmint may offer memory-boosting benefits, particularly in older adults.

In one study, elderly individuals with memory impairment were given daily supplements containing 900 mg of spearmint extract and experienced a notable 15% improvement in working memory. This highlights Spearmint’s potential to promote brain health and fortify cognitive functions.

Additionally, animal studies have provided intriguing insights; for instance, mice given spearmint extract displayed enhanced learning and memory capabilities during maze tests.

While a study suggests that chewing mint-flavored gum could improve memory in humans, subsequent studies have not corroborated these findings consistently. It’s important to acknowledge that while the evidence is promising, it remains limited.

As part of a wellness routine, Spearmint tea could be a delightful and potentially beneficial addition for those looking to support memory and cognitive function through herbal medicine.

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Fights Bacterial Infections

Spearmint essential oil, derived from the same plant, has been demonstrated to inhibit the growth of several harmful bacteria.

Moreover, spearmint has shown promise in combating bacteria notorious for causing foodborne illnesses, such as E. coli and Listeria. This highlights the plant’s relevance in oral care products like toothpaste and breath mints and in supporting the immune system.

By fighting off infections and bolstering the body’s natural defenses, spearmint tea could be a worthwhile addition to your arsenal of immune-boosting teas and natural remedies.

Whether you’re seeking to enhance your immunity or keep your mouth feeling fresh, incorporating spearmint tea into your routine might be a step in the right direction.

May Lower Blood Sugar

Although human studies are scarce, animal research suggests spearmint extracts can significantly lower blood sugar levels.

For instance, in one study, rats with diabetes exhibited a marked reduction in blood sugar levels when given spearmint extract equivalent to 9 mg per pound of body weight daily.

Furthermore, in a 21-day study involving diabetic rats, those administered spearmint extract at 136 mg per pound of body weight daily experienced a 25% reduction in blood sugar. While these findings are based on animal studies, they hint at spearmint’s potential benefits in blood sugar regulation.

As such, spearmint tea could be a valuable addition to a wellness-focused routine, especially for those seeking natural supplements to support blood sugar control.

Is spearmint tea good for you? Stress Reduction

Widely cherished in South American and South-East Asian countries as a remedy for stress and insomnia, spearmint’s calming properties are attributed to menthol, which exerts a soothing effect on the body.

One study involving rats revealed that spearmint extract could diminish anxiety and enhance sleep quality. The tea’s ability to relieve stress is linked to its interaction with GABA receptors in the brain, a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in modulating neural activity. By engaging with these receptors, spearmint facilitates the calming of nerves and encourages relaxation.

Furthermore, inhaling the aroma of spearmint or consuming it in tea form can promote the release of serotonin and melatonin, hormones integral to managing anxiety and stress.

With its tranquilizing qualities, spearmint tea is a delightful and therapeutic choice for anyone looking to incorporate calming teas into their routine for stress relief and better sleep.

May Improve Arthritis Pain

An extensive analysis encompassing human and animal research revealed that essential oils derived from spearmint demonstrated analgesic properties.

A noteworthy 16-week study involving 62 participants suffering from knee arthritis revealed that those who consumed spearmint tea twice daily experienced diminished stiffness and physical limitations. Remarkably, a specialized spearmint tea enriched with rosmarinic acid eased the symptoms above and substantially reduced pain levels.

Those troubled by osteoarthritis, characterized by the gradual deterioration of the cartilage cushioning the bones, might find solace in this aromatic beverage. A 2014 study targeting individuals with osteoarthritis disclosed that participants who relished spearmint tea containing a high concentration of rosmarinic acid significantly decreased joint stiffness and pain. Moreover, participants who opted for regular spearmint tea, commonly available in stores, also reported improvement in joint stiffness, albeit not in pain levels.

While the results are encouraging, it’s important to note that additional extensive research is necessary to fully comprehend the extent to which spearmint tea can ease arthritis symptoms. Spearmint tea is a promising anti-inflammatory option for those seeking natural pain relief strategies.

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Spearmint health benefits for Blood Pressure

Although human-based research is scant, preliminary scientific insights indicate that this aromatic herb may possess properties conducive to heart health.

Central to Spearmint’s potential benefit in this area is a compound known as (-)-carvone. Intriguingly, (-)-carvone has demonstrated behavior akin to calcium-channel blockers, typically prescribed for treating high blood pressure.

A noteworthy animal study uncovered that (-)-carvone was astonishingly effective, 100 times more potent in reducing contractions of blood vessels compared to verapamil, a standard medication for high blood pressure.

Easy to Incorporate Into Your Diet

Integrating spearmint into your daily regimen is a breeze. Spearmint is a versatile addition to your pantry with its availability in various forms like tea bags, loose leaves, and even as a fresh herb.

how to make Spearmint tea
how to make Spearmint tea

How to make spearmint tea:

  1. Heat two cups (473 ml) of water until boiling.
  2. Take it off the heat and infuse with a generous bunch of torn spearmint leaves.
  3. Let it steep, covered, for around five minutes.
  4. Strain and savor the refreshing flavors, either hot or cold.

Spearmint tea is refreshingly tasty and devoid of caffeine and calories, making it an ideal beverage for any time of the day.

Moreover, cultivating your spearmint is an option if you want more hands-on experience. A steady supply of organic, homegrown spearmint leaves ensures a more personalized touch to your hot beverages or tea blends.

However, exercise caution when it comes to spearmint oil. While consuming spearmint in amounts commonly found in food or tea is generally safe, the safety of ingesting pure spearmint oil is not well established.

Moreover, applying undiluted spearmint oil to the skin or mucous membranes can be irritating. It’s best to stick with the herb in its more natural form for daily consumption.

Helps Reduce Bad Breath

Indulge in the refreshing taste of spearmint tea to combat bad breath and maintain oral hygiene. As part of the mint family, spearmint’s inherent attributes include menthol-rich properties cherished for ages for their breath-freshening abilities.

The presence of menthol in spearmint provides a burst of freshness and contributes to keeping your mouth clean, thanks to its antibacterial properties. Whether you’re looking for a pleasant start to your day or seeking a quick freshening up before a meeting, incorporating spearmint tea into your daily routine can be an effective and natural way to keep bad breath at bay.

So, put on a pot of this aromatic tea, and allow the natural minty essence to cleanse your palate and leave your breath smelling delightful. Moreover, with various options available from tea bags to organic loose leaves, spearmint tea can easily blend into your lifestyle as a staple hot beverage.

Spearmint Tea Side Effects

While spearmint tea can be a delightful addition to your day with its potential health benefits, it is important to be mindful of certain side effects and precautions associated with its consumption.

May Exacerbate Acid Reflux

Those suffering from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) should approach spearmint tea cautiously. There’s a belief that spearmint can potentially relax the sphincter muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus. 

This relaxation could lead to acid reflux and heartburn. Nevertheless, the effects of spearmint on heartburn remain debated, as some studies have indicated that it does not impact the lower esophageal sphincter function. If you are sensitive to mint or prone to acid reflux, it is advisable to consume spearmint tea in moderation.

Overconsumption Could Lead to Hormonal Imbalance

While spearmint tea has been lauded for its potential benefits in addressing hormonal imbalances in women with PCOS, excessive consumption may have the opposite effect. It could interfere with androgens in the body. Therefore, it’s important for individuals sensitive to hormonal fluctuations to be mindful of their intake of spearmint tea. Consulting a healthcare professional or hormone specialist before incorporating spearmint tea into your diet could be wise.

Caution During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Expectant mothers and those who have recently given birth should exercise caution when consuming herbal teas, including spearmint tea. The body is particularly sensitive during early pregnancy and the initial days of motherhood. An excess of spearmint tea could cause complications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their healthcare provider before including spearmint tea in their diet.

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What are spearmint tea leaves?

Spearmint tea leaves are the leaves of the spearmint plant, used to brew a flavorful and aromatic herbal tea. The spearmint plant, a member of the mint family, is known for its sweet, milder flavor than peppermint. The leaves can be used fresh or dried for brewing.

What’s the difference between spearmint tea and green tea?

Spearmint tea is an herbal tea made from the leaves of the spearmint plant, while green tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Spearmint tea has a sweet and mild minty flavor, and it is caffeine-free. Green tea has a more grassy taste and contains caffeine. Both teas are rich in antioxidants and have various health benefits but differ in flavor profiles and caffeine content.

Can I combine peppermint and spearmint tea for additional benefits?

Yes, combining peppermint and spearmint tea can create a flavorful blend that harnesses the benefits of both herbs. Peppermint has a more intense, cooling flavor, while spearmint is sweeter and milder. The combination can be particularly refreshing and may amplify the antibacterial and digestive properties associated with the mint family.

What is spearmint tea made of?

Spearmint tea is made from the leaves of the spearmint plant, scientifically known as Mentha spicata. The leaves can be fresh or dried to brew this aromatic herbal tea. It has a sweet, minty flavor that is less intense than peppermint. Spearmint tea is caffeine-free and is popular for its potential health benefits and refreshing taste.

Does spearmint tea help with acne?

There is some evidence to suggest that spearmint tea can help with acne, especially in cases where hormonal imbalances cause it. The anti-inflammatory properties of spearmint may also be beneficial in reducing the redness and swelling associated with acne. However, it’s essential to remember that results may vary among individuals, and consulting a dermatologist for severe acne is recommended.

Is it good to drink spearmint tea every day?

Drinking spearmint tea daily can be beneficial due to its potential health-boosting properties. It’s a source of antioxidants linked to improved digestion and hormonal balance. However, moderation is key, as excessive consumption could have some side effects. It’s also good to consider individual sensitivities to herbs.

What does spearmint tea do for PCOS?

Spearmint tea has positively affected hormonal balance, which can be particularly beneficial for women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Spearmint tea may help reduce excess androgen levels, often associated with PCOS. This, in turn, can alleviate some symptoms such as hirsutism. However, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice on managing PCOS.

Should I drink spearmint tea in the morning or night?

The choice to drink spearmint tea in the morning or night depends on personal preference. Some individuals enjoy it in the morning for its refreshing taste to kick-start the day, while others prefer it at night due to its calming properties, which may promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

Should I drink spearmint tea at night?

Drinking spearmint tea at night can be a good option for relaxing before bed. Spearmint’s calming properties may help to ease the mind and prepare the body for sleep. Since it’s caffeine-free, it’s unlikely to interfere with sleep patterns. However, those sensitivities to mint or prone to acid reflux should exercise caution.

When should you not drink spearmint tea?

It’s advisable not to drink spearmint tea if you have a known allergy to mint or are suffering from acid reflux, as it may worsen the symptoms. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a healthcare professional before consuming spearmint tea. Additionally, individuals with hormone-sensitive conditions should be cautious and seek medical advice.

Some images for Spearmint Tea

what is Spearmint tea
what is Spearmint tea
what does Spearmint tea do
what does Spearmint tea do
Sperment tea
Sperment tea
Spearmint tea plant
Spearmint tea plant

Spearmint tea benefit
Spearmint tea benefit
Spearment tea
Spearment tea
does Spearmint tea help with acne
does Spearmint tea help with acne
does Spearmint help with nausea
does Spearmint help with nausea