What is Hojicha tea? Health benefits, taste like and Caffeine

One question I often encounter in the tea world is, “what is Hojicha Tea?” Amid the myriad of tea types, from brisk black teas to delicate whites, Hojicha holds a unique and enchanting position with its distinctive taste and aroma.

As a tea enthusiast and blogger, I have enjoyed savoring countless brews, but my experiences with Hojicha Tea have been truly unforgettable. With its gentle roasted flavor and its comfort, it’s more than just a beverage for me – it’s a moment of tranquility in my daily hustle.

Quotes of tea with You

“Perhaps we reveal ourselves too much in small things because we have so little of the great to conceal.”
― Kakuzō Okakura

What is Hojicha tea?

Hojicha, often referred to as “roasted green tea” in English, is a unique variant of Japanese tea created by roasting a selection of green teas like sencha, bancha, kukicha, and even the prestigious gyokuro. This special roasting process gives Hōjicha its distinct character, transforming the original vibrant green hue to a beautiful amber, reminiscent of autumn leaves.

Hojicha tea
Hojicha tea

Unlike the leaves of black tea that turn brown due to natural oxidation and fermentation, the dark brown color of Hojicha Tea leaves is a direct result of the roasting process. It’s important to note that the tea leaves used for Hojicha are the same ones utilized to produce other teas such as sencha and matcha, only they are prepared differently, highlighting the versatility of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis).

Hojicha has three standout characteristics, making it an appealing choice for tea lovers.

First, it’s generally more affordable than other teas like Sencha because of the types of leaves used, such as bancha or kukicha, which makes it a cost-effective option for daily consumption.

Second, Hojicha is easy to brew, eliminating the need to cool the water as is required for other green teas.

Lastly, it offers a less astringent and bitter taste profile than most teas. Instead, it enchants with a warm, fragrant aroma and leaves a refreshing aftertaste.


Traditionally enjoyed in the fall and winter, Hojicha is now becoming a favorite for people to enjoy throughout the year. Innovations like cold-brewed Hojicha, bottled Hojicha beverages, and even Hojicha ice cream are becoming increasingly accessible. What makes Hojicha special is its versatility, offering a warm and soothing drink on a chilly day and a cool and refreshing treat during the hot summer months.


How is Hojicha Tea Made?

The making of Hojicha is a fascinating process that sets it apart from other types of Japanese green tea. Unlike the usual steaming method for most green teas, houjicha undergoes a unique roasting process. This roasting gives it its distinctive brown color and toasty aroma and reduces its caffeine content, making it a pleasant evening beverage.

Organic Hojicha Green tea
Organic Hojicha Green tea

Hojicha is typically made using bancha (late harvest tea leaves), but sencha (premium first flush green tea) or kukicha (twig tea) can also be used. These tea leaves are then roasted in a porcelain pot over charcoal, dating back to the 1920s in Kyoto, Japan. The high heat transforms the leaves from a vibrant green to reddish-brown, giving them a warm, nutty flavor.

Does Hojicha Tea have caffeine?

Yes, Hojicha tea does contain caffeine, but it’s relatively low compared to other teas and beverages. On average, an 8-ounce serving of Hojicha tea contains around 7.7 milligrams of caffeine. 

It is significantly lower than a cup of coffee, typically containing around 95 milligrams of caffeine. The lower caffeine content in Hojicha is attributed to its unique high-temperature roasting process, which substantially reduces the caffeine. This makes Hojicha a suitable beverage for those sensitive to caffeine or evening consumption without disturbing sleep patterns.

We’ve talked about the caffeine content, but you may be wondering about the sensory experience of drinking Hojicha. What does this unique hojicha tea taste like? Let’s explore.

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What does Hojicha taste like?

Hojicha, a roasted green tea, has a naturally sweet and smoky taste with hints of cocoa. The high-temperature roasting procedure gets rid of any typical green tea bitterness. Hojicha tea stands apart from other Japanese green teas thanks to its unusual taste character.

Hojicha chinese
Hojicha chinese

Unlike many green teas, hojicha doesn’t have a grassy or vegetal flavor; instead, it offers a smooth, rich, and slightly sweet experience. The taste is often likened to lightly roasted coffee but without bitterness. This comforting and warm taste makes hojicha a beloved tea choice, enjoyable on its own or paired with various foods, from traditional Japanese cuisine to your favorite dessert.

Hojicha Tea Benefits

Health Benefits of Hojicha Summary
Ideal for Caffeine Sensitivities
Hojicha, a roasted Japanese green tea, is a great option for those sensitive to caffeine due to its low caffeine content.
Relaxing Effects with L-Theanine
Enriched with L-Theanine, Hojicha offers relaxation benefits, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression for better mental well-being.
Beauty Benefits with Vitamin C
Hojicha contains Vitamin C, an antioxidant that enhances skin health, lightens dark spots, and promotes youthful-looking skin.
Immune Boosting and Anti-Cancer
Rich in polyphenols and vitamins, Hojicha supports the immune system, fights off bacteria, and shows potential anti-cancer properties.
Cardiovascular Support with Catechins
The catechins in Hojicha regulate blood pressure and cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart diseases and strokes.
Metabolism and Digestive Aid
Hojicha’s antioxidants boost metabolism and aid digestion, promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy colon.
Oral Health Benefits with Polyphenols
EGCG in Hojicha prevents cavities and bad breath, while polyphenols reduce gingivitis and gum disease, contributing to oral health.
Alleviating Arthritis Pain
Polyphenols in Hojicha have anti-inflammatory properties that may help ease arthritis symptoms and prevent joint damage.

Ideal for Caffeine Sensitivities

Hojicha, unlike other traditional Japanese green teas such as sencha, undergoes an extra processing step, making it an excellent choice for those with caffeine sensitivities. 

Like sencha, Hojicha tea leaves are steamed to prevent oxidation, a technique that helps retain their vibrant green color, natural fragrance, and nutrient content. This steaming process is integral to the production of sencha green tea, renowned for its fresh, verdant character.

what is hojicha

What sets hojicha green tea apart is the additional roasting at high temperatures, which imparts the signature warm, brown color and distinct toasty aroma to the tea. This transformation from green to brown signifies the birth of a new type of tea, a variation that is as captivating in its appearance as in its flavor profile.

While the health benefits of green tea remain intact through roasting, this process notably impacts two key elements: bitterness and caffeine content in Hojicha tea. The intense heat used during roasting eliminates any lingering bitterness in the leaves, leading to a gentle and smooth infusion. Additionally, it substantially decreases the caffeine levels, making Hojicha a perfect choice for post-meal or evening consumption. As a result, this lightly caffeinated, wonderfully toasted tea has gained popularity among children, the elderly, and those with caffeine sensitivity.

The Relaxing Benefits of Hojicha

Enriched with a calming warmth and savory aroma, Hojicha is a perfect companion to unwind after stressful days at work or home. This soothing effect isn’t just about the pleasant sensory experience; it’s linked to a key component in Hojicha – L-Theanine.

Like an other organic hojicha green tea, including genmaicha, Hojicha is rich in L-Theanine, an amino acid known for its relaxation-enhancing properties.

Numerous types of green tea include this chemical, which considerably adds to the health advantages of hojicha tea. L-theanine can aid in reducing the signs of stress, sadness, and anxiety while also enhancing one’s physical and mental health.

By enjoying a soothing cup of hojicha, you may relax and improve your health thanks to the beverage’s inherent relaxing characteristics.

A Toast to Radiant Skin: The Beauty Benefits of Hojicha

Hojicha isn’t just a comforting brew; it’s also a beauty elixir that can help keep your skin clear and youthful. This is largely due to the presence of Vitamin C in this roasted green tea.

Strong antioxidant vitamin C is essential for preserving healthy skin. It works especially well to brighten dark areas on the skin that might develop as a result of acne scars or age. This essential vitamin enhances the complexion by minimizing existing blemishes and assisting in the prevention of further skin damage.

Hojicha tea benefits

Additionally, Vitamin C can have remarkable effects on mature skin, preventing the development of wrinkles and rejuvenating lost elasticity that typically diminishes with age. Including Hojicha in your daily routine can serve as a delightful method to introduce Vitamin C into your skincare regimen, ultimately enhancing the clarity and youthful appearance of your complexion.

Boosting Immunity, One Sip at a Time

Like other Japanese green teas, hojicha has a substantial immune-boosting potential. The polyphenols included in tea leaves play a key role in this ability to strengthen the immune system.These organic substances have strong antiviral characteristics that actively combat dangerous microorganisms and improve general health.

benefits of Hojicha tea

Beyond its polyphenol content, Hojicha chinese is also a rich source of essential vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, and E. These vitamins collectively strengthen the immune system, helping to ward off common illnesses like the cold. They also help regulate immune responses, prevent deficiencies like scurvy, and even help rejuvenate a compromised immune system, making Hojicha an excellent health ally.

Recent scientific studies have added another feather to Hojicha’s health-promoting hat: potential anti-cancer properties. These studies suggest that Hojicha may lower the risk of cancer by blocking the action of carcinogens and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. This fascinating area of research underscores the potential health benefits of, reinforcing its reputation as more than just a delightful brew, but a beverage with promising health benefits too.

Sustaining a Healthy Heart: The Cardiovascular Benefits of Hojicha

Hojicha does more than just warm your body; it also supports the health of your heart. Much like its unroasted counterpart, gyokuro, this roasted green tea is packed with naturally occurring compounds that substantially benefit your overall well-being, especially your circulatory system.

One of the key components responsible for these hojicha benefits is catechins, a type of antioxidant found in green tea. Catechins are critical in regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels, two vital factors in maintaining heart health. By helping to keep these factors in check, regular consumption of Hojicha can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes and reduce inflammation in major arteries.

But the heart-healthy attributes of Hojicha don’t stop at catechins. This comforting beverage also contains Vitamin E, a crucial nutrient known for its blood-thinning properties. Vitamin E aids in preventing the formation of blood clots, which can lead to serious cardiovascular issues. Hojicha soothes the senses and promotes a healthier, happier heart with these multifaceted benefits.

From Metabolism to Digestion: The Digestive Perks of Hojicha

If you want to enhance your metabolism and support healthy digestion, a cup of Hojicha might be just what you need. This roasted green tea contains catechins, powerful antioxidants that boost the body’s metabolic rate. 

An increased metabolism can promote weight loss by enhancing calorie usage and facilitating fat burn, making Hojicha a valuable addition to any weight management plan.

But the healthful properties of Hojicha don’t stop at metabolism. This tea is also an excellent aid for digestion, largely due to its higher fiber content than other teas. Dietary fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy colon and aids in regulating the body’s absorption of fats. 

This means that a soothing cup of Hojicha could help with digestion and potentially reduce the body’s fat absorption, further supporting a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. So why not enjoy a delicious cup of Hojicha and give your digestion and metabolism a healthful boost?

Smile Bright with Hojicha: The Oral Health Benefits of this Roasted Green Tea

Hojicha not only delights the palate but also contributes to your teeth’ health. Much like Gyokuro, a shade-grown green tea, Hojicha is recognized for its oral health benefits, courtesy of the polyphenols present in its leaves.

One particular ingredient of note is EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), found in all green teas, including Hojicha. EGCG has been shown to prevent cavities and combat bad breath, making it a useful tool for maintaining good oral hygiene.

Moreover, the polyphenols in Hojicha are also effective in reducing the incidence of gingivitis and gum disease. These compounds exhibit antimicrobial properties that help ward off harmful bacteria, safeguarding oral health.

Soothing Joints, One Sip at a Time: How Hojicha Can Help Alleviate Arthritis Pain

Believe it or not, the same polyphenols that work wonders for your oral health can also be a boon for individuals struggling with arthritis. Consuming Hojicha roasted green tea may decrease joint inflammation and help prevent further damage to these areas.

The presence of polyphenols in Hojicha tea gives it anti-inflammatory capabilities, which can help relieve and even preempt the inflammation and discomfort linked to arthritis. Its ability to both reduce existing inflammation and shield against additional joint damage makes Hojicha tea a hopeful option for individuals dealing with arthritis symptoms.

While the health benefits of Hojicha are impressive, it’s equally important to be aware of any potential side effects. Let’s take a closer look.

Hojicha Tea Side Effects

Even with all its health benefits, it’s crucial to remember that moderation is key when drinking houjicha tea or any tea. While houjicha is lower in caffeine than other green teas due to its roasting process, it still contains some caffeine. Hence, managing your consumption is important if you’re sensitive to this stimulant.

Furthermore, despite its numerous health properties, overconsumption of houjicha could lead to upset stomach or acid reflux in some individuals. These side effects are rare and more likely if you drink large amounts on an empty stomach.

It’s also worth noting that green tea, including houjicha, may interfere with certain medications, particularly those for blood pressure and heart conditions. Therefore, it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider before adding houjicha to your routine if you’re on medication.

While these side effects are uncommon and many people enjoy houjicha without any issues, it’s always good to be informed about potential concerns. After all, understanding your food and drink choices is a key part of leading a healthy lifestyle. 

Remember, houjicha, with its comforting warmth and toasty aroma, is best enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle. Enjoy your journey into the rich, roasted world of houjicha tea!

Having discussed the side effects, you may be curious about how this unique tea is made. Let’s step into the fascinating world of Hojicha’s production process.

Brewing the Perfect Cup

Now, let’s bring the art of brewing Hojicha to your kitchen. Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide based on my personal experience:

  1. Boil water: Unlike many other green teas, Hojicha uses boiling water. So, bring your water to a full boil.
  2. Measure the tea: The general rule is one teaspoon of houjicha for every cup of water. If you like a stronger tea, feel free to adjust this ratio.
  3. Pour the water: Once it has reached a boil, pour it directly over the houjicha leaves.
  4. Steep the tea: Let the houjicha steep for 30 seconds to 1 minute. The roasted tea leaves infuse very quickly!
  5. Strain and serve: Strain the tea into a cup to remove the leaves. Your houjicha is now ready to serve and enjoy!

Remember, the beauty of tea is in the experience, so take your time to savor the aroma and taste of your homemade Hojicha.

Personal Experience and Recommendations

There’s nothing quite like the aroma of houjicha tea filling the kitchen. As an avid tea lover, I’ve spent countless evenings perfecting the art of brewing this soothing drink. xThis comforting and warm taste makes hojicha a beloved tea choice, enjoyable on its own or paired with various foods, from traditional Japanese cuisine to your favorite dessert.

Houjicha pairs incredibly well with a wide array of dishes, but I’ve found it to complement desserts exceptionally well. Its roasty flavors perfectly balance the sweetness of a cheesecake or a few chocolate-dipped strawberries.

Several online tea shops offer excellent selections if you’re wondering where to get some quality houjicha tea leaves. Look for ones that provide detailed descriptions of the source and harvest season.


So, we covered you “What is Hojicha exactly?” From its unique roasting process to benefits of hojicha tea, it is truly a remarkable beverage. It’s not just a cup of tea; it’s an experience. It offers an inviting warmth and a soothing aroma embodying the essence of a relaxing evening.

If you’ve yet to try Hojicha, I recommend it. And for those already familiar with its charm, I’d love to hear about your Hojicha experiences! How do you prefer brewing it? What’s your favorite food to pair it with? Do share your thoughts and tips in the comments below.

So take a sip of Hojicha, and let its distinct flavors transport you to serene tranquility. Remember, it’s not just about tasting the tea; it’s about savoring the journey it takes you on. Happy brewing, everyone! From Spiritea Drinks.


Is hojicha as healthy as matcha?

Yes, hojicha is as healthy as matcha, though the health benefits vary slightly due to their different processing methods. Both teas are rich in antioxidants, but matcha may contain slightly higher amounts due to its shaded growth process.

Is hojicha good for sleep?

Indeed, hojicha is excellent for promoting good sleep. Its lower caffeine content, compared to other types of green tea, makes it an ideal beverage for evening consumption. Additionally, the presence of the amino acid L-theanine in hojicha aids in promoting relaxation and reducing stress, further contributing to a better night’s sleep.

Is drinking hojicha good?

Absolutely! Drinking hojicha not only offers an array of health benefits, such as boosting metabolism and supporting a healthy heart, but it also provides a unique, soothing culinary experience with its warm, toasty flavor.

What is the difference between hojicha and matcha?

The main difference between hojicha and matcha is their processing and flavor profiles. While matcha is a finely ground powder made from shade-grown tea leaves, hojicha is made from roasted tea leaves, giving it a distinct nutty, toasty flavor.

Is hojicha similar to matcha?

While hojicha and matcha are derived from green tea leaves, their preparation, taste, and caffeine content differ. Hojicha is roasted, giving it a brown color and a toasted, slightly caramel-like flavor, while matcha is shade-grown and stone-ground, resulting in a bright green color and a more grassy flavor.

Does hojicha tea have caffeine more than coffee?

No, hojicha has significantly less caffeine than coffee. The roasting process used in making hojicha helps to reduce its caffeine content, making it a lower-caffeine alternative to coffee and many other types of tea.

What Japanese tea has the most caffeine?

Matcha typically contains the most caffeine of all Japanese teas. This is because matcha is made from shade-grown tea leaves, which stimulates the plant to produce more caffeine and antioxidants. The entire leaf is ground and consumed, meaning you ingest the full caffeine content.

Is Hojicha tea suitable for everyone?

Yes, houjicha tea suits everyone, including those sensitive to caffeine. Due to its lower caffeine content and various hojicha green tea benefits, it can be enjoyed by adults and children at any time of the day. It is also great for tea lovers seeking a less astringent, subtly sweet, and toasty flavored tea.

Where can I buy high-quality Hojicha tea leaves?

A: High-quality Hojicha tea leaves can be bought from specialty shops, online retailers, or Japanese grocery stores. Look for brands that specify the origin of the tea leaves and the roasting process for the best quality.

What pairs well with Hojicha tea?

Hojicha’s warm and toasty flavor profile pairs wonderfully with sweet and savory dishes. Try it with a piece of dark chocolate for a treat or alongside sushi or tempura for a classic Japanese dining experience.