Can I drink Tea after Tooth Extraction? Comprehensive Explanation

Navigating “Can I drink Tea after Tooth Extraction” can seem daunting, especially when ensuring a smooth recovery process.

This article will explore this topic in detail, answering your pressing questions and helping you decide about your post-operative oral care and diet.

Can I Have Tea After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

The answer is yes, but not immediately after the procedure and preferably cold. Timing is also important; dentists generally recommend waiting at least 2 to 3 days post-extraction before introducing tea into your diet.

This is because your oral cavity, specifically the extraction site, is delicate post-surgery. The heat from these beverages could cause unnecessary irritation, potentially slowing the healing process.

Another crucial factor is caffeine, which is found in many types of tea and coffee. Experts warn that caffeine can lead to dehydration, causing the extraction socket to dry up – not an ideal environment for optimal healing.

Can I Drink Iced Tea After Tooth Extraction?

Absolutely! Iced tea is not just permitted but can actually aid in post-wisdom teeth removal recovery. Its coldness can soothe the surgical site, lessening swelling and offering pain relief. Stick to low-sugar options to safeguard your oral health.

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Can I Drink Green Tea After Tooth Extraction?

Indeed, you can, but with a few conditions. Consuming green tea after a tooth extraction is fine, but ensure it’s not hot, as high temperatures can irritate the extraction site. Green tea has antioxidant properties that can contribute to a healthy recovery.

Reasons Not To Drink Tea After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Understandably, you may wonder what to drink after tooth extraction and if you can drink milk afterward. It’s important to keep yourself hydrated after any kind of surgery, big or small. Drink a bit more water than you usually do to wash away any food particles near the surgery site. Drinking fluids after oral surgery will also help you heal faster and reduce the risk of developing dry socket.

Increased Sensitivity, Irritation, and Pain

Post-surgery, the extraction site becomes a hub of sensitivity, irritation, and potential pain due to the raw, tender sockets left behind. Dentists note that hot beverages like tea or coffee can exacerbate these symptoms, causing burning and increased discomfort.

Avoiding hot drinks for at least 24 to 48 hours following the procedure is advised to minimize this.

It’s important to remember that healing times can vary from person to person; some patients might need up to five days before safely reintroducing their beloved hot tea or coffee.

Read More: What is tea? Uncovering Types, Ingredients, Flavors & More

Could Slow Down the Healing Process

Another factor to consider is how certain components in tea, like caffeine and tannins, could affect your recovery. These elements can constrict blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the healing site. 

Although tea could help control bleeding and discharge, it might hinder the natural healing process, potentially delaying it. To promote uninterrupted healing, it’s advisable to avoid tea for at least 2 to 3 days after tooth extraction.


Many types of tea – including black, oolong, and green teas – contain caffeine, a known diuretic. Diuretics increase water expulsion from the body, leading to dehydration. 

This, in turn, can result in a dry socket, creating an environment conducive to bacterial growth and potential abscesses or pus formation. Therefore, hydration is key during recovery.

Dentists and nutritionists alike recommend drinking plenty of water and avoiding dehydrating foods and beverages during this critical healing period.

What Are The Best Tea to Drink After Tooth Extraction

Picking the best tea to drink after tooth extraction can be a simple way to help soothe the healing process. If you’re wondering, “Can I drink sweet tea after tooth extraction?”, it’s best to hold off on sweet tea due to its sugar content, but plenty of other teas can aid your recovery.

Chamomile Tea

One of my favorites is chamomile tea for its soothing and anti-inflammatory qualities aiding healing. Sipping it at a mild temperature after surgery can offer gentle relief. I recall making chamomile tea and using the warm tea bag on the sore spot to ease swelling and discomfort – it was incredibly soothing!

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea served cool, is another beneficial choice after wisdom teeth removal. The menthol in peppermint can numb the pain and reduce inflammation, providing a refreshing respite for your mouth.

Licorice Tea

Licorice tea is another helpful herbal tea that can assist in your recovery. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate pain and expedite the healing process. Just remember to keep it cool or at room temperature.

Green Tea

Green tea, known for its high antioxidant content, is also a great choice. These antioxidants can help fight oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and aid healing, making it an ideal beverage post-tooth extraction.

In addition to drinking these teas, you can use a tea bag on the extraction site to help with pain and potentially prevent infection. Many of these teas, including black tea, are excellent for this purpose.

What Drinks Are available after Wisdom Tooth Removal?

When choosing the right beverages after wisdom tooth removal, dentists recommend sticking to cool or cold drinks to help heal. Here are some of the safest and most beneficial options:


Water is undoubtedly the top pick. Not only does it keep you well hydrated, but sipping on cool water with a few ice cubes also aids in maintaining the crucial clot in the socket, promoting healing. Remember, you should avoid using a straw as the suction can disrupt the forming clot.

Sugar-free Juices And Smoothies

Opt for homemade fruit and veggie juices and smoothies. They’re not only delicious but also packed with vital nutrients that can speed up healing. Choose low-acid, low-sugar produce, mix in water, and sip slowly, skipping the straw.

Cold Milk

Cold milk is another good option post wisdom teeth extraction. It can help numb the pain and supply your body with calcium and Vitamin D, both crucial for healthy teeth. But avoid hot milk, which could irritate the sensitive tissues and potentially slow the healing process.

Sports Drinks

Decaffeinated, sugar-free sports drinks consumed coldly are also a suitable choice. They can replenish lost electrolytes from your body, helping maintain overall health. Slow sips without straws are the best way to consume these beverages after wisdom tooth removal.

Each option can play a role in your recovery process, offering different nutrients and benefits. Remember to always consult your dentist or oral surgeon about your specific dietary needs following surgery.


In summary, what you eat and drink can greatly impact your healing after wisdom tooth removal. Opt for cold, caffeine-free teas like green tea, chamomile, and peppermint. Additionally, choose water, sugar-free juices, smoothies, cold milk, or decaffeinated sports drinks for a smooth recovery.

However, it’s worth noting that everyone’s healing process is unique and can be influenced by various factors. For this reason, it’s always best to adhere to your dentist’s instructions regarding what to eat and drink after wisdom teeth removal.

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Can I Drink Kombucha After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Yes, you can drink kombucha after wisdom teeth removal, but only after the initial healing phase, and it should be at room temperature or cold. Kombucha is a fermented tea containing probiotics, which can aid digestion. However, as it is often slightly carbonated, you should avoid it in the first few days post-surgery to prevent dislodging the blood clot in the extraction site.

When Can I Warm Drinks After Tooth Extraction?

After you have your wisdom tooth removed, it’s best to steer clear of hot beverages like coffee, tea, or any other drinks with high temperatures for the next 24-48 hours. The heat from these liquids can cause discomfort and hinder the healing process of the surgical area. Opt for chilled coffee or iced tea as a more suitable alternative.

Is It Safe To Drink Herbal Tea After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

It’s generally safe to consume herbal tea after wisdom teeth removal, provided it’s cold or at room temperature. Herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint can have anti-inflammatory properties that aid in healing and pain relief.

Is It Okay To Drink Carbonated Drinks After Tooth Extraction?

No, it’s not recommended to consume carbonated drinks after tooth extraction. The bubbles from carbonated drinks can disrupt the blood clot in the socket, slowing the healing process and possibly causing a dry socket.

Can I Drink Hot Tea After Tooth Extraction?

You should avoid coffee for the first few days after wisdom teeth removal. The heat and caffeine in coffee can irritate the extraction site and potentially dehydrate you, slowing the healing process.

When can i drink tea after tooth extraction?

After the initial 24 hours, you can gradually incorporate warm beverages such as tea and coffee into your diet. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution. It is advised not to use a straw while drinking as the sucking action may disrupt the blood clot in the socket and impede the healing progress.