What Are The Key Oregano Tea Benefits & Side Effects

I’m thrilled to dive into Oregano tea benefits with you today.

This wonderful herb isn’t just a flavor enhancer in our kitchen, and it’s also a goldmine of health benefits waiting to be discovered.

From supporting lung health to having Antioxidant and aAnti-Inflammatory properties, oregano tea is a wellness powerhouse.

But like anything else, it’s not without its potential side effects.

Together, we’ll unravel what makes oregano tea so special, how to make it, and when you might want to be cautious.

What is oregano tea?

Oregano tea is a warm, slightly bitter drink crafted from fresh or dried Oregano leaves, hail from the Oregano plant, a member of the Mint family. This herb, a culinary favorite, especially in Mediterranean and Italian cuisines, was widely known in the US in the 1950s.

recipe for Oregano tea
Oregano tea

Today, its fame has spread far beyond just a kitchen ingredient, as it has become recognized for its numerous health benefits.

Tea of Oregano

Oregano tea is also known by several other names, such as:

  • Oregano
  • European
  • Winter marjoram
  • Greek oregano
  • Spanish thyme
  • Wild marjoram

This tea has captivated attention with its plethora of health benefits, from soothing pain to potentially combating cancer. Bursting with vital vitamins and amino acids, oregano tea is a potent infusion for your physical and mental well-being.

Read More: Tea 101: Learn about Tea and Its Many Varieties

Why do people drink oregano tea?

While its distinct peppery, slightly bitter taste does add a unique flavor to your teacup, the benefits of drinking oregano tea largely draw from its potential health-boosting properties.

I’ve found that traditionally, folks have turned to this herb-infused drink as a natural remedy for various ailments. It’s been used as a soothing balm for sore throat, a calming aid for coughs, and even a gentle relief for nausea.

Digestive problems? Oregano tea could be your ally, as it’s known to ease issues like irritable bowel syndrome. And if you’re grappling with bloating or edema, the potential diuretic properties of oregano can come to your aid.

Simply put, this humble herbal tea of oregano is a treasure trove of wellness that transcends its unique flavor profile.

Benefits of Oregano Tea

When discussing oregano tea’s benefits, we dive into a reservoir of health-enhancing properties.

health benefits Oregano tea

Oregano tea, packed with essential vitamins and amino acids, shows potential for various health benefits, from relieving pain to potentially preventing serious illnesses like cancer. While human studies are limited, lab research highlights its rich flavonoids and phenolic acids as key contributors to its promising effects on physical and mental well-being.

Health Benefit Summary
Lung Health
May reduce asthma severity, lower lung inflammation, and potentially prevent lung cancer.
Reduces inflammation, offering relief for pain, joint discomfort, and coughs.
Antibacterial & Antiviral
Inhibits harmful bacteria and viruses, aids wound healing, and fights respiratory viruses.
Antioxidant Effects
Neutralizes free radicals, potentially preventing aging and chronic diseases.
Skin Health
Supports healthy skin, reduces wrinkles, and combats acne.
Cough Relief
May alleviate coughs, especially those with inflammation.
Weight Loss
Stimulates metabolism and suppresses appetite, potentially aiding weight loss.
Cholesterol Management
Helps manage cholesterol levels, benefiting cardiovascular health.
Yeast Infection
May combat yeast infections with fewer side effects than conventional treatments.
Menstrual Relief
Provides potential relief from menstrual discomfort and hydration.
Hair Health
Promotes scalp health, nourishes hair follicles, and may stimulate hair growth.

Oregano Tea Benefits for Lungs

Oregano’s potent antioxidant effects may potentially be beneficial to lung health. Oregano tea has been shown in studies to help lower the severity of asthma and other respiratory disorders by decreasing inflammation in the lungs. It may even aid in the prevention of some forms of cancer, such as lung cancer.

Oregano Tea Benefits for Lungs

This remarkable herb has shown potential in reducing the severity of respiratory conditions, including asthma, by diminishing lung inflammation. Thanks to its strong antioxidant nature, oregano tea’s benefits for the lungs become evident.

Groundbreaking laboratory research conducted in 2011 even hinted at oregano’s potential to protect against certain serious respiratory infections in children.

An oregano oil spray offered considerable relief for upper respiratory tract infection symptoms within an impressive 20 minutes.

Further research suggests oregano tea’s role in inhibiting growth and triggering cell death in cancer cells, positing it as a potential natural disinfectant.

These findings, while promising, necessitate further human studies to validate and explore the full scope of oregano tea’s benefits for lung health.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Oregano tea is praised for its anti-inflammatory properties, primarily credited to its rich content of flavonoid and phenolic compounds. These components decrease inflammation in the body, which may offer relief for inflammatory conditions like muscle pain, joint pain, skin irritation, and dry coughs.

Oregano tea health benefits

Inflammation can lead to chronic illnesses such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Oregano tea, with its anti-inflammatory properties, can help lower this risk. Carvacrol, a compound in oregano, has been shown to inhibit various inflammation markers, underscoring oregano tea’s health benefits.

Indeed, studies have documented the effectiveness of oregano in reducing various markers of inflammation in both humans and animals. This potential becomes even more intriguing when considering studies suggesting that combining oregano and thyme could help alleviate conditions like colitis.

Antibacterial and antiviral effects

Oregano tea showcases impressive antibacterial and antiviral effects, largely due to the oils it contains that can inhibit the growth of certain harmful bacteria and viruses. These properties suggest that oregano tea may play a significant role in preventing or treating specific infections.

For instance, a 2011 study highlighted that an ointment containing oregano extract could reduce the risk of surgical wound infection by limiting bacterial contamination. Moreover, research has indicated the efficacy of oregano essential oil against some respiratory viruses.

Key compounds in oregano tea, namely carvacrol and thymol, have been linked to fighting bacterial infections.

Although studies suggest oregano oil, with its higher concentration of these beneficial compounds, may offer more potent antibacterial benefits, incorporating oregano tea into your daily routine can also contribute significantly.

Oregano benefits tea

Its strong immune-boosting properties make oregano tea a promising tool for preventing viral and bacterial infections. Preliminary studies showing the potential of carvacrol and oregano oil in lowering infection rates from viruses further underline the value of including oregano tea in our diets.

Read More:

Antioxidant effects

Oregano tea is a rich source of antioxidants, which help combat the damaging effects of free radicals in your body. As the National Cancer Institute noted, these free radicals induce oxidative stress, leading to cell damage and raising the risk of certain diseases. By reducing the buildup of these free radicals, the antioxidants in oregano can enhance your health.

Benefits of Oregano tea

Consuming oregano tea, packed with antioxidants, whether the leaves are fresh or dry, neutralizes free radicals and prevents oxidative stress that can contribute to premature aging and chronic conditions like diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

Regularly drinking oregano tea lowers these free radicals, reduces cell damage, and boosts overall health.

One study even found that in total antioxidant capacity, oregano surpassed other herbs such as thyme, sage, rosemary, mint, and sweet basil.

Antioxidants are essential for stabilizing free radicals and protecting cells. An antioxidant-rich diet, like oregano tea, helps prevent cancer, supports skin health, reduces chronic disease risk, and more.

Oregano Tea Benefits for Skin

Oregano tea, loaded with vitamins E and K, has been shown to support healthy, youthful skin. Its high content of these vitamins and its flavonoids and phenolic acids can reduce wrinkles, enhance skin hydration and elasticity, and shield the skin from environmental harm.

Oregano Tea Benefits for Skin

Beyond its anti-aging properties, oregano tea is also efficient in combating acne. Its antibacterial properties make it a potent adversary against acne-causing bacteria, providing a natural alternative to traditional treatments that may be losing their effectiveness due to antibiotic resistance.

Notably, oregano tea’s rich composition of anthocyanins, flavonoids, and polyphenolic compounds – powerful antioxidants – can neutralize skin-damaging free radicals, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, blemishes, and scars, thereby enhancing skin elasticity and promoting a more youthful look. 

So, drinking a cup or two of oregano tea daily could be your secret weapon, whether battling blemishes or looking to hold onto that youthful glow.

Is oregano tea good for cough?

The flavonoid and phenolic components in oregano may help to reduce inflammation in the body. It may assist with inflammatory diseases such muscular or joint discomfort, skin irritation, or dry coughs.

Combine 2 tablespoons of dried or ½ cup of fresh oregano and 1 to 2 peeled garlic cloves in 2 cups of boiling water for a simple yet potent recipe for oregano tea. Allow this to boil for 5 minutes, strain, then enhance with 2 teaspoons of honey and a squeeze of lemon. Sip this warm concoction slowly over 5 minutes for best results.

If your cough produces a lot of phlegm, adding 2 drops of oregano oil can boost the tea’s effectiveness.

Oregano Tea for Weight Loss

Drinking oregano tea can aid in weight loss due to its ability to stimulate metabolism and suppress appetite. This increases your body’s calorie-burning potential and makes adherence to a healthy diet easier.

Benefits of drinking Oregano tea

The presence of carvacrol in oregano tea is believed to be a key player in this effect.

In a significant study, mice on a high-fat diet with carvacrol gained less weight and stored less body fat than those without carvacrol. While more research is required to confirm these results in humans, adding oregano tea to a balanced lifestyle may aid in weight management.

May Support in Lowering Cholesterol

Oregano tea may aid in managing cholesterol levels, contributing to overall cardiovascular health. The active compounds in oregano, like phenolic acids, have been studied for their potential effects on blood lipids.

A recent study demonstrated significant improvement in cholesterol profiles among individuals supplemented with oregano extract, with reduced harmful LDL cholesterol and increased beneficial HDL cholesterol. 

Consequently, incorporating oregano tea into a balanced diet might offer additional support in achieving healthy cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

It’s important to note that a comprehensive lifestyle approach, including a healthy diet and regular exercise, is crucial in managing cholesterol levels.

Oregano tea benefits for yeast infection

Oregano tea may aid in combating yeast infections due to its naturally occurring antifungal properties. These properties can help restore balance to the body’s microbiome, leading to the overgrowth of yeast such as Candida, causing infections when disrupted.

Studies suggest that oregano tea may be even more effective than conventional treatments for such conditions, with significantly fewer side effects. Specifically, research has pointed to oregano’s effectiveness against certain strains of fungus that cause vaginal and oral infections.

However, it’s important to note that while initial findings are promising, further research is needed to fully understand and confirm the benefits of oregano tea in treating yeast infections.

Oregano tea benefits for period

Drinking oregano tea during menstruation may offer some relief from discomfort and stress. This is because oregano contains carvacrol, a natural anesthetic that can act as a painkiller, potentially easing symptoms associated with periods.

Additionally, staying well-hydrated is essential during menstruation, and drinking one to two cups of oregano tea provides hydration and delivers beneficial nutrients. So, the oregano tea health benefits extend to those experiencing menstrual discomfort, providing a natural and soothing remedy.

Oregano Tea Benefits for Hair

Oregano tea is rich in antioxidant content, particularly its high levels of vitamins A and E, which contribute to scalp health and nourish hair follicles. Antioxidants fight oxidative stress that can cause hair follicle cell damage, thereby promoting healthier and potentially faster hair growth.

Additionally, oregano’s natural antimicrobial properties can help keep the scalp clean and combat issues like dandruff. While incorporating oregano tea into your routine for hair benefits, remember that external factors are just one part of hair health, and maintaining overall wellness is equally important.

Oregano Tea side effects

While the health benefits of oregano tea are impressive, it’s essential to understand that, like any consumable, there are many side effects of oregano tea in certain situations. Consuming oregano tea in moderation is usually safe, but it’s always wise to be aware of potential risks and how to avoid them.

Risk of Upset Stomach

While most individuals can enjoy oregano tea without discomfort, high consumption may lead to gastrointestinal issues. Drinking more than four cups a day might cause an upset stomach in some individuals. Always remember to balance your intake to enjoy the benefits without the discomfort.

Possible Allergic Reactions

Oregano tea can cause allergic reactions in rare cases, especially if you are allergic to herbs like mint, lavender, basil, or thyme. If you’ve noticed sensitivities to such herbs, it’s advisable to approach oregano tea with caution or avoid it entirely to prevent allergic reactions.

Frequent Urination

Due to its diuretic effects, drinking excessive oregano tea might lead you to use the bathroom more frequently. If increased urination becomes inconvenient or uncomfortable, it may be a sign to reduce your oregano tea intake.

Remember, moderation is key when it comes to enjoying the health benefits of oregano tea. If you experience discomfort or allergic reactions, it’s important to stop consumption and consult a healthcare provider. As with any changes to your dietary habits, it’s always best to discuss them with a healthcare professional first.

How to make Oregano Tea

Brewing your oregano tea is straightforward, requiring minimal ingredients and effort. I made my cup of oregano tea just last Saturday, and I’ll guide you through the process so you can enjoy this healthful beverage at home.

How to make Oregano Tea at home
How to make Oregano Tea at home


  • 1 tablespoon of fresh oregano leaves (or 2 teaspoons if using dried)
  • 2 cups of water

Optional: honey or a sweetener of your choice

Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Start by gathering your fresh oregano leaves. If you’re using dried oregano, you can skip this step.
  2. Rinse the oregano leaves under cool water to remove any impurities.
  3. Bring the 2 cups of water to a boil on your stove.
  4. Once the water is boiling, add the fresh or dried oregano to the pot.
  5. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. This allows the oils and flavors to be released from the oregano.
  6. After 10 minutes, remove the pot from the heat and allow it to cool for a few minutes.
  7. Strain the tea into your favorite mug and discard the leaves.
  8. If desired, sweeten your tea with honey or another sweetener to taste. Enjoy!

Useful tips for making the Best Oregano Tea

  • If you grow oregano in your garden, picking the leaves in the morning can give you a more flavorful tea. This is when the essential oils are at their peak.
  • Take your time with the steeping process. Allow the tea to simmer for 10 minutes to ensure you get all the health benefits from the oregano.
  • Add a slice of lemon or a dash of cinnamon to your tea for a different flavor profile.
  • Always adjust the quantity of oregano based on your preference. You can add more for a stronger flavor or less for a milder taste.

The Bottom Line

In short, what is oregano tea good for? Oregano tea, with its multitude of health benefits, can be a wonderful addition to a balanced diet.

Oregano tea offers various health benefits, such as respiratory support, aiding in weight loss, and potentially lowering cholesterol. However, remember that moderation is crucial, as excessive consumption may result in digestive issues and potential allergies.

Thank you for reading Our article.


Can I boil oregano leaves and drink it?

Boiling oregano leaves is a common method of preparing oregano tea. Fresh or dried leaves can be used. Remember, the longer the leaves are steep, the stronger the flavor.

Is oregano tea good for your stomach?

Yes, oregano tea promotes good digestion and soothes stomach ailments. Its carvacrol content has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can benefit gut health. However, excessive consumption may cause stomach discomfort.

What is the best time to drink oregano tea?

There’s no specific time to drink oregano tea, which largely depends on your desired health benefit. Some prefer it in the morning for a refreshing start, while others might drink it at night for its calming properties.

Can I drink oregano tea every day?

Oregano tea can be consumed daily, but moderation is key. Aiming for one to two cups a day can allow you to reap the health benefits without risking overconsumption, which could lead to side effects.

Is oregano tea good for sleeping?

While oregano tea has calming properties that might aid in relaxation, it’s not typically known as a sleep aid. However, its warm, soothing nature could make it a good addition to your pre-bedtime routine.

How to make oregano tea from fresh leaves?

Making oregano tea from fresh leaves is simple. Steep a handful of fresh oregano leaves in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes, then strain and enjoy. Adding a little honey or lemon can enhance the flavor.

Can I drink oregano tea at night?

Yes, you can drink oregano tea at night. It has calming properties which may help with relaxation before bedtime. However, due to its diuretic effects, avoiding excessive consumption before sleep is advisable to avoid nighttime trips to the bathroom.

What are the healing powers of oregano?

Oregano has numerous healing properties due to its rich antioxidant and antimicrobial profile. It has benefits like respiratory health support, skin health promotion, aiding digestion, and even combating yeast infections.

Who should not take oregano?

Those with allergies to plants in the Lamiaceae family, which includes mint, lavender, basil, and others, may want to avoid oregano. Pregnant women should also exercise caution as oregano in large quantities could potentially increase the risk of miscarriage. As with any herbal supplement, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider before use.